Sunday, June 14, 2009

Flag Day

Happy Flag Day everyone! For most people Flag Day goes unnoticed. But I have special memories surrounding the day that I dwell on every Flag Day - and have for nearly 40 years. In June 1960 my mom, my great aunt Alma and I took the train to Tacoma, WA, to see my mom's parents and other miscellaneous relatives. The pictures above are from that trip. I was there on Flag Day. Everyone in the neighborhood had their flags flying, there were streamers and other decorations. Even firecrackers. Right before or after the picture on the top was taken (me, Grandma Sophie, Great Aunt Alma) a firecracker went off and startled the "old" ladies. I don't remember the taking of the picture on bottom (Grandpa Frank and me), but I'm sure glad I have it. It's the only one of the two of us. Grandpa made me feel special - everyday we would walk to the corner store and he would buy me a push-up for 5 cents. After they went up to 7 cents, though, he wouldn't get anymore for me. I think that was the last few days we were there. He also bought me a "sun umbrella" which I still have.

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